Early symptoms of ovarian cancer you should look out for

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Ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is known in the medical circle as a ‘silent killer’. The American Cancer Association estimates that in 2018 alone, approximately 22,240 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and up to 14,070 women will succumb to this disease. Ovarian cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer in existence. It ranks 5th in cancer-related deaths in women, claiming more lives than any other cancer of the reproductive system.

The chances of a woman being diagnosed with ovarian cancer during her lifetime are 1 in 78, while the chances of death are estimated to be 1 in 108. Usually, it is older women that develop ovarian cancer. Women over the age of 63 years are more prone to develop this type of cancer.

Though the American Cancer Association reports that the rate of diagnosing ovarian cancer has rapidly reduced over the past 20 years, it still doesn’t take away from the fact that this cancer can be truly dangerous, especially when it is caught too late.

There are a few ways you can spot the symptoms of ovarian cancer. But please remember that before you assume you have an illness, it is always best to seek the opinion of a medical professional.

Here are a few symptoms that you should keep an eye out for:


For a healthy female body, experiencing one period a month is considered natural. But in the case of ovarian cancer, the bleeding can be irregular. Women who begin to experience excessive bleeding, that is if their period lasts for too long, or if their menstrual cycle is erratic, that is they experience their periods two times a month.

According to an article published by Prevention, this is mostly experienced by women who are younger. But that doesn’t mean irregular bleeding isn’t noticed in patients who have already gone through menopause. Ovarian cancer can sometimes overstimulate the production of estrogen and this can cause abnormal bleeding in women who have already gone through menopause. If you feel like you are suffering from abnormal bleeding, then please consult with your gynecologist for a more
in-depth understanding of your symptoms. Article continues on the next pages…


Bloating usually is a sign that our period is about to start. But in some cases, the bloating might not go away. It could last for months despite trying every remedy to reduce the swelling.

But be warned: this could be a sign of a tumorous growth in your ovaries. Getting a gynecologist’s opinion would be the best way to deal with persistent bloating.

Severe cramps

Getting cramps during your period is something that is natural for a lot of women, but you have to watch out for the intensity of these cramps. As the Prevention article points out, cramps can also be a sinister sign of cancer.

Some women can feel cramps that truly take a toll on them. Experiencing extreme cramps and aches before, during or after your period is something you have to alert your gynecologist about.

Back pain

Another thing that is closely related to periods is experiencing back pain. Backaches can often be due to a stressful day, but in some cases, these backaches can get very uncomfortable. In some cases, no amount of heat balms and gels help soothe the pain. This can be a sign of ovarian cancer that should be rectified by a certified doctor or gynecologist.


Bloating or feeling gassy is another sign of ovarian cancer. It can feel like heartburn, gas or even constipation. Despite taking the necessary meds for your bloating and indigestion, it still feels like your stomach is giving up on you. This could be a sign of ovarian cancer, so reach out to your doctor or gynecologist if you are facing any of these symptoms.

Feeling full before finishing a meal

Some cases of ovarian cancer can lead to the build-up of fluid around the pelvis and surrounding areas. This can leave you feeling full.

Ovarian cancer can dull your appetite if you seeing this or the above-stated symptoms of ovarian cancer, then it would be best to get evaluated by a gynecologist.

The need to pee

Despite drinking normal amounts of water, people who experience ovarian cancer symptoms can find themselves visiting the restroom a little too often. Signs can point to a UTI, but in some cases, it could be cancer. Consult a doctor or a gynecologist to get a better understanding of what you are going through.

Difficulty in breathing

A cancerous growth on the ovaries can sometimes hinder a person’s ability to breath normally. This could be because the growth is pushing against all the other organs, which can make normal body functions a lot more difficult. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, then please consult with your physician immediately.


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